jueves, 25 de junio de 2009


We don't really know why English people are always complainting about the weather because here it is always sunny!!! (No sabemos por que los ingleses siempre se quejan de su clima porque aqui siempre hace sol!!!)

Even we had to put on sun cream...,though some of us are going to come back to Spain a little bit red . (Incluso tenemos que echarnos crema solar..., aunque algunos van a volver un poco rojitos).
Today we went to Woolacombe beach. We went walking by a wonderful path around the coast. (Hoy hemos ido a la playa de Woolacombe. Hemos ido dando un paseo por un camino precioso alrededor de la costa).

Most of our students were inside the sea... it was little cold but they are young and strong!! (La mayoria de los alumnos se metieron al agua... estaba un poco fria pero son jovenes y fuertes!!).

In the evening, we went to DJ's pub to play pub games. (Por la noche fuimos al DJ's bar para jugar a juegos de pub).

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